Flu Shot

CareerPro | Comprehensive Vaccine Services offers various vaccines and shot injections in the Memphis area. We can provide these in our office or for your convenience on-site.
The influenza vaccine, also known as flu shot, is an annual vaccine to protect against the highly variable influenza virus. Seasonal flu vaccines protect against the three influenza viruses that research indicates will be most common during the upcoming season.
Get a Return on Your Immunization
- Flu-like illnesses accounted for 45% of all days of illness during the flu season and 39% of all illness-related work days lost.
- Up to 20% of the workforce gets sick with the flu each year, and each of those employees loses an average of 5 work days annually
- Companies lose millions of dollars due to absenteeism and increased medical costs
- Employees that have been vaccinated have had up to 44% fewer doctor visits and up to 45% fewer lost workdays
What can your organization do?
The most effective thing you can do is offer immunization to your staff via an on-site flu clinic.
We will come onto your premises to administer the vaccine with minimal interruption to your productivity. Often they can be scheduled to work in with your company’s needs such as shift work timetables.
Onsite Clinics Include:
- Education for staff members to make an informed decision about whether they wish to be vaccinated.
- Coordination, registration, set-up, and administration of the clinic
- Immunization-trained medical technicians
CareerPro | Comprehensive Vaccine Services provides Flu shots at an affordable price. Call or visit us today for more information or to set up an appointment.