Collector Certification Courses

DOT BAT Training
Students signing up for the half-day Breath Alcohol Technician class receive a BAT Self Study Course prior to attending class. Students must complete the Self Study Course prior to the class, and must be prepared to pass a written exam on the Self Study materials at the beginning of class.
The half-day class certifies students as proficient in the use of the Alco-Sensor IV when used with the RBT IV system. Students learn to use the instrument and perform the required breath alcohol tests. Students successfully completing the BAT Training course are entitled to the designation of Certified Breath Alcohol Technicians.
Prerequisite: Completion of the BAT Self Study Course (included when registering for this class).
Contact Career Pro Drug Screening for information on future classes. There is a 5 student minimum per class.
DOT Collector Training
DOT Collector Training is an eight hour class that certifies students as Professional Collectors of urine specimens for drug testing. Students learn the current Department of Transportation regulations (Per CFR title 49 part 40) for collecting a split specimen, and perform practice collections. Students also learn and practice performing unusual collections, such as temperature out of range; suspected adulteration; and shy bladder. Before receiving certificates as Professional Collectors students must successfully complete mock collections and pass a written exam.