
Audiograms are a graph that shows the results of a pure-tone hearing test. It presents various frequencies and for the person to hear them. The audiogram displays the type, degree, and configuration of hearing loss. Noise is one of the most pervasive occupational health problems. Vibration or turbulence are by-products of the many industrial processes that can cause hearing loss and other harmful health problems as well. The levels of damage depend on the intensity of the noise and period of exposure.
Audiometric testing detects an employee’s hearing over time, and the employers must institute and maintain an audiometric testing program. According to OSHA, important aspects of this program include baseline audiograms, annual audiograms, and training
- Baseline Audiograms: It is a reference audiogram which future audiograms are compared to. An employer must provide the baseline audiograms within 6 months of an employee’s exposure at or above an 8-hour time-weighted average.
- Annual Audiograms: The employer has to present an annual audiogram within a year of the baseline. The importance of it is to test the employees’ hearing to determine whether or not the deterioration of hearing is present.
- Training: Workers who understand the importance of hearing conservation programs will protect their hearing more and be motivated to wear the protective gear and take the audiometric tests. Employers have to train and display an understanding of hearing protectors, the procedures and the purpose of testing.
CareerPro offers quality occupational health services including Audiograms. Come to one of our locations to get screen tested with no appointment necessary. We can also perform on-site testing. To learn more about all the medical services we offer, call us at (901) 888-1131 or email